campaignTrail_temp.questions_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 422, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 0, \"description\": \"You have selected Philip Hart as your running mate. What can you say about him that made you want him on the ticket?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 415, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 1, \"description\": \"Despite efforts on multiple fronts to obstruct the nomination process, the convention has gone through quite smoothly. What will your primary message be as you accept your party’s nomination?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 434, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"Shortly after the Democratic convention, George Wallace held a press conference where he announced that he was seeking the nomination of the American Independent Party to once again run as a third-party candidate. What is your response?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 416, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 2, \"description\": \"Many Democrats aren't motivated to campaign for you this fall, given how much your rhetoric during the primaries had left a bad taste in their mouth. How will you alleviate this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 433, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"Now that the campaign has been shaken up on all angles, especially after the suspicious firebombing of the Brookings Institute and Watergate break-in, and entry of Wallace into the race, what will your overall campaign strategy be this fall?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 429, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"In broad terms, what is your policy towards the Vietnam War?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 430, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"The AFL-CIO is holding a vote tomorrow over whether to endorse you, Nixon, or nobody for the presidency. The organization holds sway over labor unions everywhere in the country, and they have chosen to endorse the Democratic presidential candidate in every election since its formation. How do you wish to influence this vote?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 444, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"Orin Staley, president of the National Farmers Organization has expressed no desire to support either candidate, but had also made statements deriding Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz. Do you wish to capitalize on this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 445, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"William Loeb III, publisher of the Manchester Union Leader, has sued members of Nixon's re-election committee, who are also linked to Brookingsgate, claiming they forged the infamous Canuck Letter. As developments come out about the case, how will you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 399, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Last year, Senator Ted Kennedy introduced his health-insurance plan to the Senate. It proposes a universal single-payer system, which is financed through payroll taxes. What is your stance on the bill?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 431, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"Do you have any comment on the bombing of dikes in North Vietnam? President Nixon denied these were targeted bombings, amid a brief controversy generated by Jane Fonda’s highly-publicized visit to North Vietnam, and a less publicized statement by the Secretary General of the United Nations, condemning these bombings.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 419, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 4, \"description\": \"More war news: Life magazine has published an image of a naked Vietnamese girl, screaming for her life, after fleeing her school which had just been bombed by napalm. Her clothes were gone because she had torn them off after they lit on fire. The Pentagon has said it was an accidental bombing, since the location was South Vietnam. Any thoughts?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 420, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 5, \"description\": \"In a Senate select committee hearing, Nixon aide Alexander Butterfield admitted to the existence of a tape system in the Oval Office. How do you plan to approach this and other emerging Brookingsgate revelations?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 428, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"With your poll numbers steady and everyone else's mired in uncertainty over the place as we move into the autumn, what do you want to do to get this campaign to take advantage?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 432, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 3, \"description\": \"Your wife, Eleanor, has actively campaigned with you throughout your political career. In which areas do you think she should focus on most while she campaigns?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 405, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Returning to more substantial policy issues, what are your policies on crime in our cities, and rising drug use?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 437, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"Let’s talk a little about your Vietnam policy. What do you think will be the fate of President Thieu and the entire South Vietnamese government, should you win this November?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 438, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"Many are concerned over the broad nature of your economic policies, and feel you haven’t put much thought into it. Is there anything you want to do to assuage these concerns?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 441, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"How frequently do you plan to mention your military service as you campaign this year?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 442, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"At the Olympic Village in Munich, Palestinian militants took Israeli athletes hostage, leading to a massacre claiming the lives of 14 Israelis, two Germans, and the seven perpetrators. All world flags are being flown at half staff, apart from 10 Arab nations who refused. Do you have any comment?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 407, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"The Equal Rights Amendment has recently passed the senate, and is now in the process of being ratified by the states. What points do you want to bring up on this issue?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 406, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"How much of the youth vote do you think you can turn out?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 417, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 6, \"description\": \"After a meeting with former president Lyndon Johnson at his Texas ranch, Johnson hands you a file containing evidence that Nixon was involved in sabotaging the Paris peace talks in 1968. How will you bring this information to light?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 440, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"As the campaign continues, how much do you plan to speak about the various investigations and revelations related to Brookingsgate, along with other emerging Nixon scandals?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 404, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Recent polls are revealing that the new barrage of revelations related to the Chennault affair has damaged Nixon's chances of re-election. Where will you campaign in order to take advantage?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 436, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"The media is referring to you as the candidate of “Amnesty, Abortion, and Acid.” Do you care to comment on this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 410, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"What tone would you like to set with your attacks against Nixon and the Watergate affair?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 421, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Do you plan to debate President Nixon, as John F. Kennedy did in 1960, alongside Governor Wallace?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 409, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Welfare remains a hot topic in this election year, what points do you want to bring up on the campaign trail?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 408, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"As the campaign heats up, Nixon has started blasting the airwaves with TV ads, including one using toy soldiers, planes, and warships to scare voters over your defense policy. How will you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 403, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"There has recently been some violence at Republican events, and many feel this plays right into Nixon's claims of restoring “law and order” to this country, and fueling fears of your radicalism. Do you want to condemn any of these protesters?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 402, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"How do you feel about forced busing?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 401, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Now that election day is fastly approaching, what do you plan to do to maintain your momentum in this campaign?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 400, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"What is your stance on the space program, and in what direction would you take it?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 398, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Heading into the final stretch, which part of the Democratic platform would you like to emphasize most?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 397, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"With election day ever nearer, Henry Kissinger has appeared at a press conference, stating that the Vietnam War is drawing to a close, and “peace is at hand.” How do you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 418, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 7, \"description\": \"The Supreme Court has chosen to hear an appeal on a case requesting that the White House hand in all the Oval Office tapes, after refusing to hand over any, citing national security. What do you have to make of this?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 446, \"fields\": {\"priority\": 8, \"description\": \"A pool reporter is set to reference unverified rumors that you had an illegitimate child born in Fort Wayne out of an affair from your youth. The rumor has been circulating amongst those in the Indiana GOP for months now and your advisors say it likely originated from J. Edgar Hoover's men. How will you respond?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 396, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -2, \"description\": \"Four days before the election, George Wallace demonstrated evidence from the U.S. Attorney's office in Maryland that Spiro Agnew had for years received kickbacks from contractors in Maryland, including during his vice presidency. Most observers agree this will damage Nixon's standing substantially.\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.question\", \"pk\": 447, \"fields\": {\"priority\": -1, \"description\": \"Election day is tomorrow, so where do you want to spend these last crucial hours of your campaign?\", \"likelihood\": 1.0}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answers_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3623, \"fields\": {\"question\": 438, \"description\": \"Let’s give a speech all about my financial plans directly to investors in New York. Moderate a lot of my rhetoric, and drop my plan for $1,000 annually to each American.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3509, \"fields\": {\"question\": 415, \"description\": \"I will reflect on the Democratic party’s history of progress, determination, and our fight for justice. I am proud to be the latest part in a long legacy of leaders, and I will guide us out of the chaos that has persisted these past few years.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3510, \"fields\": {\"question\": 415, \"description\": \"Richard Nixon has done more to divide the country in these past three-and-a-half years than any other president in my lifetime. He has exploited Americans’ wounds for his own gain and has done nothing to end the carnage in Vietnam. We’re going to put an end to that this November!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3511, \"fields\": {\"question\": 415, \"description\": \"It is the time for this land to become again a witness to the world for what is just and noble in human affairs. It is time to live more with faith and less with fear, with an abiding confidence teach us that we are truly brothers and sisters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3513, \"fields\": {\"question\": 416, \"description\": \"I’m sticking by my words. If they want to put petty feuds over the future of this country, that’s on them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3514, \"fields\": {\"question\": 416, \"description\": \"I will speak with major Democratic icons like Hubert Humphrey and Ted Kennedy to ensure they put in some work for this campaign. As concessions, I’ll agree to implement some of their own policy goals that I may disagree with, once I’m elected.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3515, \"fields\": {\"question\": 416, \"description\": \"My main goal is to uphold the standards of the Democratic party. To do this, I will speak extensively with those who are hesitant about this campaign, and convince them that I will alter my rhetoric extensively if that’s what it takes to get them onboard.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 57394892, \"fields\": {\"question\": 404, \"description\": \"We should campaign across the Northeast. There are multiple competitive states in this region, and winning them will be crucial.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 57394893, \"fields\": {\"question\": 404, \"description\": \"Let’s campaign on farming issues in Iowa and Ohio. Those are key to winning this fall, and I think we can push them into our column.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 57394894, \"fields\": {\"question\": 404, \"description\": \"The industrial Midwest is where we’ll throw all our resources. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan can be won, as we have endorsements from major unions like the UAW, which are huge in these states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 57394895, \"fields\": {\"question\": 404, \"description\": \"Why not go to New York City? Throw a huge rally in Madison Square Garden, packed with celebrities, just like the one we threw earlier in June during the primaries.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 4200, \"fields\": {\"question\": 416, \"description\": \"I will stick to what I’ve been saying for my whole political career, including what I said during the primaries this year. If many in the party have a problem with that, it’s unfortunate, but I won the nomination and will not simply change my positions for cheap political points.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3516, \"fields\": {\"question\": 417, \"description\": \"This information is sensitive, and we have an obligation to handle it with integrity. Let's announce its existence and how we acquired it, and then hand over the files to the proper authorities and institutions so this damning evidence gets out the right way.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3517, \"fields\": {\"question\": 417, \"description\": \"While this could really hurt Nixon, it could also backfire if people found out we had a hand in this. Let's just hand this in to the press and colleagues in Congress and let it get out through them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3518, \"fields\": {\"question\": 417, \"description\": \"Why not announce this information ourselves? The world deserves to know this immediately.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3520, \"fields\": {\"question\": 418, \"description\": \"I have the utmost respect for the Supreme Court, and hope they reach the only proper decision in this case, which is to force Nixon to hand in his tapes. We cannot let the only thing between Americans and the truth be a flimsy excuse of national security.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72937123, \"fields\": {\"question\": 398, \"description\": \"While it garnered a lot of attention, for those who actually read it, our platform is pretty moderate. Our domestic policies simply promise an extension of Johnson’s Great Society programs, which remain broadly popular. Let’s play up how we’re not a serious departure from Democratic administrations of the past.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72937124, \"fields\": {\"question\": 398, \"description\": \"Our populist economic policies are our best bet. We’ve got the strongest anti-monopoly proposals in decades. Furthermore, we pledge to create an independent Consumer Protection Agency, and raise the minimum wage to $2.50 an hour.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72937125, \"fields\": {\"question\": 398, \"description\": \"Foreign policy is still at the front of the voter’s minds. Not only Vietnam, but cutting back on our military bases overseas, and limiting defense spending. These will not reduce our strength, they will only prevent future conflicts from breaking out when they’re not needed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72937126, \"fields\": {\"question\": 398, \"description\": \"Our social policies, like supporting the Equal Rights Amendment for women, are going to be what can push us across the finish line. Let’s speak about that at great length.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3521, \"fields\": {\"question\": 418, \"description\": \"I have the utmost respect for the Supreme Court, and hope they reach a proper decision in this case.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3523, \"fields\": {\"question\": 419, \"description\": \"Is there anything braver about burning up children who live north of the seventeenth parallel or who live in Cambodia or Laos? They all feel pain. They're all children of the same God. Those are the kind of conditions we have to recover if we’re going to save the soul of this nation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3524, \"fields\": {\"question\": 419, \"description\": \"I’ll defer to those who know best on this sort of thing. If the Pentagon claims this was a tragic accident, I'm inclined to believe them. Let's focus on preventing horrible mistakes like this in the future.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3525, \"fields\": {\"question\": 419, \"description\": \"This is yet another crime Richard Nixon has perpetrated on the Vietnamese people. He's an international embarrassment, and dare I say, a criminal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 345678, \"fields\": {\"question\": 419, \"description\": \"Why are we fighting this war in the first place? As we continue to burn children to death, our politicians blather on about how “dangerous” anyone who opposes that is. We need to pull out of South East Asia completely.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3526, \"fields\": {\"question\": 420, \"description\": \"We should mention this at every opportunity, as loud as we can. Can anyone imagine what Nixon's goons were up to in the Oval Office? The American people deserves real answers here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 33337395, \"fields\": {\"question\": 406, \"description\": \"A ton. In fact, we’ve got that entire demographic locked up already. Why bother worrying about them? I want to focus on targeting seniors, farmers, and everyday workers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 33337396, \"fields\": {\"question\": 406, \"description\": \"I know Gary keeps putting fantastical data in front of me suggesting we’ll win among college-aged voters overwhelmingly, but we can't take anything for granted in this campaign. Let's make extensive visits to college campuses and get people like Senator Mike Gravel out campaigning for us.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 33337397, \"fields\": {\"question\": 406, \"description\": \"Okay, let's assume that we get the same number of voters under 30 that Humphrey did in ‘68, which we will, easily. Then add on top of that the 100 million new voters who are between 18 and 21. Let's set a conservative estimate and say I win 99.9% of them. That would net us an easy 538 sweep. Piece of cake.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3527, \"fields\": {\"question\": 420, \"description\": \"With Wallace as loud as he is, we shouldn't change up our strategy too much. Instead we can contrast between the integrity of my running mate and I and Nixon's corruption.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 2345692, \"fields\": {\"question\": 420, \"description\": \"Let's just watch people's trust in Nixon collapse. With the recent news coming out, they'll realize I'm the better option.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8728547327, \"fields\": {\"question\": 403, \"description\": \"Yes, I do. While I think many of their claims are legitimate, creating a scene in public through violence and destruction of property isn’t a good way of going about your goals. But I understand where they’re coming from.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8728547328, \"fields\": {\"question\": 403, \"description\": \"Why would I do that? I think attacking demonstrators for their first amendment rights sets a dangerous precedent in this country. I fully support them.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8728547329, \"fields\": {\"question\": 403, \"description\": \"Absolutely. These types of protests are immature, and all these demonstrators are arguing for unrealistic goals. They should grow up and learn to work within the system.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8728547330, \"fields\": {\"question\": 403, \"description\": \"Certainly. I think what these men and women are arguing for is justifiable, but I support our police’s treatment of the troublemakers, and I hope for future peace at all political events going forward. This kind of law-breaking cannot be allowed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3528, \"fields\": {\"question\": 421, \"description\": \"Absolutely. This is a great way to get our message across to the American people, and to hammer Nixon on his failures.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9991732, \"fields\": {\"question\": 396, \"description\": \"Excellent. Hopefully this will help us close the gap.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 27482894, \"fields\": {\"question\": 402, \"description\": \"No comment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 27482895, \"fields\": {\"question\": 402, \"description\": \"I understand the anger this method of desegregation causes for many parents, but it is ultimately a force for good.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 27482896, \"fields\": {\"question\": 402, \"description\": \"People only oppose busing because they support segregation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 27482897, \"fields\": {\"question\": 402, \"description\": \"I firmly oppose forced busing. It needlessly complicates the education system, and removes kids from environments where they’re suited to learn best.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8314784, \"fields\": {\"question\": 421, \"description\": \"There's no way in hell Nixon would ever agree to this anyway. Let's not risk the embarrassment of being turned down or the plans falling apart, and instead pour our resources into television ads.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284838, \"fields\": {\"question\": 407, \"description\": \"I want to be campaigning with Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, and other feminist leaders. This movement has my full support, and the women of America must know that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284839, \"fields\": {\"question\": 407, \"description\": \"The Equal Rights Amendment is long overdue. We need to ensure political, economic, and social equality for all women. As president I will work to the best of my ability to ensure this amendment passes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284840, \"fields\": {\"question\": 407, \"description\": \"The Equal Rights Amendment is a force for good, but there is so much more we can do for American women. We need to ensure social security benefits and alimony for widows, job training for older women, and protect child custody for divorced mothers.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284841, \"fields\": {\"question\": 407, \"description\": \"The fact of the matter is that men and women are fundamentally different, and this amendment treats them like they are the same. The Equal Rights Amendment will make life worse for American women, and for that reason I must oppose it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3531, \"fields\": {\"question\": 422, \"description\": \"Philip Hart is a proud Democrat and will help rally Catholic and union voters in key areas we need to win.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3532, \"fields\": {\"question\": 422, \"description\": \"Philip Hart has served his state of Michigan with the utmost integrity, and is someone who will stand up for all Americans. I was very impressed with his background.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 929593, \"fields\": {\"question\": 409, \"description\": \"Let’s turn the tables on Nixon, and attack him on the welfare issue. After pledging to reduce welfare Nixon put four million new people on it in his first term. That’s not my idea of fulfilling a campaign promise.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 929594, \"fields\": {\"question\": 409, \"description\": \"I promise you that we are going to do whatever is necessary to provide a job for every able-bodied man and woman in this country who wants to work. Those who don’t want to work shouldn’t be paid anything in the way of public support. This is just common sense.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 929595, \"fields\": {\"question\": 409, \"description\": \"No human being should have to suffer through poverty in the greatest nation on Earth. I support yearly payments of $1,000 to every American.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 929596, \"fields\": {\"question\": 409, \"description\": \"It’s time to admit we have lost the War on Poverty. We should establish a demogrant in which low income Americans receive an annual cash payment in place of welfare programs, and replace the bloated welfare bureaucracy with direct cash payments.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72957772, \"fields\": {\"question\": 397, \"description\": \"This is yet another deeply cynical move by the Nixon administration. Not only has the current peace agreement been offered for years, but this is also premature, as they haven’t formally come to a conclusion yet.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 72957773, \"fields\": {\"question\": 397, \"description\": \"I congratulate Secretary Kissinger on reaching this monumental agreement, and I pray for peace in the region.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3585, \"fields\": {\"question\": 428, \"description\": \"Let's hammer on the union angle as much as we can. We should not only campaign with the United Auto Workers but other organizations such as Miners for Democracy. In doing so, we can get union voters to hear our message without relying on George Meany. That can make the difference in states such as Michigan and Ohio.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3586, \"fields\": {\"question\": 428, \"description\": \"I think now is the time to have a big appearance with Ted Kennedy to kick off the general election campaign, and to tie my candidacy to his family. Let's go to Chicago, that's an area we have to win, and the Kennedys have strong appeal there.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3587, \"fields\": {\"question\": 428, \"description\": \"I want a slate of television ads blasted across every major network. We can really hammer Nixon for his unpopular stances on key issues like Vietnam, the minimum wage, and his emerging involvement in Brookingsgate. Emphasizing my record of integrity, along with that of my running mate, will really help.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3588, \"fields\": {\"question\": 429, \"description\": \"I advocate for a complete withdrawal of all U.S. military forces, amnesty for those who evaded the draft, and to get our American POWs back home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 63849366, \"fields\": {\"question\": 408, \"description\": \"Let's do a series of ads filmed in informal encounters with voters in factories, meeting halls, hospitals, and senior-citizen centers. We need to counter Nixon’s attacks with advertisements clarifying our stances on abortion, welfare, and labor.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 63849367, \"fields\": {\"question\": 408, \"description\": \"We need to go negative on Nixon if we want to have any hope of winning this campaign. Let's make one featuring a chess board to attack Nixon over the Vietnam War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 63849368, \"fields\": {\"question\": 408, \"description\": \"We have a lot of star power behind our campaign, so let's put it to good use. I want us to feature our Hollywood supporters prominently in our advertising.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 63849369, \"fields\": {\"question\": 408, \"description\": \"We’ll play up my military service to counter claims that I am weak on defense, and speak about my connections to Catholics, farmers, unions, and other groups with wavering support.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3589, \"fields\": {\"question\": 429, \"description\": \"I support a steady withdrawal of American troops, and a safe South Vietnam. Handing the war over to them is the best way to end it peacefully, and prevent a communist takeover in South East Asia.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3590, \"fields\": {\"question\": 429, \"description\": \"This war was a complete disgrace, and I fought against it from day one. We need to get the hell out of there, and stop this needless carnage.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3591, \"fields\": {\"question\": 429, \"description\": \"I’m fully committed to winning this war. We need to beat the Viet Cong into submission, and I’m prepared to do just that. We can’t have another China on our hands, and I'll use nuclear weapons to do it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3594, \"fields\": {\"question\": 430, \"description\": \"We cannot afford to lose this endorsement. Winning states like Illinois can only be done by getting the big unions on our side, as it seems Daley has no enthusiasm for this campaign. I will meet privately with the AFL-CIO leaders and make numerous concessions to get them onboard.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3595, \"fields\": {\"question\": 430, \"description\": \"This endorsement isn't worth as much as people think. My running mate has a great reputation with rank-and-file union voters. Let's have him campaign with me in union towns all across America.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3596, \"fields\": {\"question\": 431, \"description\": \"The bombing of critical infrastructure is undeniable, and Richard Nixon’s poor attempts to shut his eyes and stick his head in the sand are outrageous.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3597, \"fields\": {\"question\": 431, \"description\": \"Destroying these dikes would displace an untold amount of civilians, and kill thousands upon thousands of innocents. This shows, more than almost anything else, how completely unjustifiable this war truly is. We should've never fought it in the first place, and all American troops should leave immediately.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3598, \"fields\": {\"question\": 431, \"description\": \"This sort of thing shows just how dangerous Richard Nixon is. His and Kissinger’s bombing runs have been disastrous, killing many civilians, and endangering American lives. This decisively shows how imperative it is to remove him from office this fall.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3599, \"fields\": {\"question\": 431, \"description\": \"This is an issue I will press repeatedly. By emphasizing it, we can show how disliked Nixon is, and how much the American people want to just get out of Vietnam. Let's campaign with Fonda frequently, she can really help press our case here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3600, \"fields\": {\"question\": 432, \"description\": \"Eleanor has stood by my side for decades, even while I served in World War II. But I don't think she should get involved here. This campaign is going to get incredibly dirty, and I know she's been suffering from depression lately, in addition to the struggles our children are going through.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3601, \"fields\": {\"question\": 432, \"description\": \"I think Eleanor can do great work for us. Let's have her emphasize women's issues, appealing to voters as a kindly housewife.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3602, \"fields\": {\"question\": 432, \"description\": \"Eleanor is a mother, first and foremost. Our son, Steven, is as old as many of the boys being sent over to die in Vietnam. I think she can really show the effect the war has on American mothers, and the thousands of them who will never get to see their sons again.\"}},{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 360003, \"fields\": {\"question\": 432, \"description\": \"Let's feature Eleanor with me at virtually every opportunity, across the board. There's no way Nixon will attack me and my wife.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3604, \"fields\": {\"question\": 433, \"description\": \"We’re in this to win, and now that the opportunity has presented itself, I'll do anything to accomplish that goal. If that means dropping some of my more controversial policies, then that’s exactly what I’ll do.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3606, \"fields\": {\"question\": 433, \"description\": \"I won this nomination as an insurgent candidate who represented the anti-war wing of the party. I will earn enough votes to prove how large a constituency this really is, and how much the American people are tired of war.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 4201, \"fields\": {\"question\": 433, \"description\": \"We need to strike a populist tone if we're to have a real shot. Let's win over voters in Northern states who are currently leaning towards Wallace by emphasizing our economic policies that will help the working man of this country.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3607, \"fields\": {\"question\": 434, \"description\": \"If we're being honest, he's much more of a problem for Nixon than he is for me, and we're better off ignoring him. Let's keep focusing our attacks on Nixon and maybe we'll have a shot.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3609, \"fields\": {\"question\": 434, \"description\": \"Let's attack him early and often. After all, he's even worse than Nixon, and by separating ourselves from both of them, I can show myself to be the only real option for the American people.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3615, \"fields\": {\"question\": 436, \"description\": \"This is a spurious claim brought forward by the Nixon administration, I am in no way advocating for these things.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3616, \"fields\": {\"question\": 436, \"description\": \"This claim is so ridiculous it isn’t even worthy of an answer.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3617, \"fields\": {\"question\": 436, \"description\": \"The claims about me are true. I will fight for women’s reproductive freedom. I will pardon draft dodgers and protestors. I will fight to legalize safe drugs like marijuana and LSD. Enough is enough, we need to move forward on these issues.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3618, \"fields\": {\"question\": 436, \"description\": \"This is a spurious claim with very little backing in fact. I will not pardon all the draft dodgers, or legalize drugs Willy nilly. I will also leave abortion to the states, as it states in the Democratic Platform. Anything else is just a Nixon hit-job.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3619, \"fields\": {\"question\": 437, \"description\": \"My guess is that the current government would leave if I won the election, and that there would be an exodus of the top generals and political figures out of the country. Then, I think arrangements should be made to reduce the danger of recriminations by the communists.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3620, \"fields\": {\"question\": 437, \"description\": \"The ongoing negotiations are a highly delicate process which I will refrain from interfering with in any way. These issues will be solved at the bargaining table, not with TV ads or campaign rhetoric.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3621, \"fields\": {\"question\": 437, \"description\": \"I will fight tirelessly, as I have in the United States Senate, to preserve the South Vietnamese government and to protect that nation. We cannot afford Saigon to fall, and under my presidency, it won’t.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3622, \"fields\": {\"question\": 437, \"description\": \"While we won the primaries with our bold antiwar stances, that line of rhetoric won’t translate strongly on the national stage heading into this fall. Let’s reel it back a bit and emphasize our popular economic ideas.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3624, \"fields\": {\"question\": 438, \"description\": \"Let’s appropriate lots of FDR’s rhetoric, and seek to win over the populist voters George Wallace appeals to. By opposing big business and appealing to the working man, we can really win over those people who voted for him in the primaries.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3629, \"fields\": {\"question\": 440, \"description\": \"Let's hit on this a lot. Everything that's come out in recent months has left us with no choice but to be definitive and drop the “recent” from our statements characterizing the Nixon administration as “the most corrupt in recent history”.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3630, \"fields\": {\"question\": 440, \"description\": \"We hear a lot about the national crime wave and unrest in our cities. Well let's look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The White House is sending in criminal gangs, firebombs and all, to sabotage our campaign offices, and try to drag us down.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3631, \"fields\": {\"question\": 440, \"description\": \"Let's only talk about this in moderation. It doesn't seem people care much about these stories, although they may be true. Keep pressing our anti-war and union credentials, that's our main talking points.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3632, \"fields\": {\"question\": 441, \"description\": \"I wanted to avoid mentioning this as long as possible, but I think it would be wise to put out a few ads highlighting my service in World War II. It can help against any attacks labeling me “weak” due to my outspoken anti-war views today, as long as it’s in moderation.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3633, \"fields\": {\"question\": 441, \"description\": \"Let’s bring this up in contrast to the Vietnam War. Defeating Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan was a just cause, but getting massacred in the rice fields of South East Asia advances nothing. If we can put together some ads contrasting these two conflicts, maybe with the occasional mention of my own service, that would be my preferred route to take.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284921, \"fields\": {\"question\": 405, \"description\": \"We need to increase federal financial aid to the cities with the highest crime rates, and increase the number of foot patrolmen to crack down on this lawlessness. I also think we need to take a serious look at the kind of advertising we show to our youth, where problems are only ever solved by taking some sort of drug.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284922, \"fields\": {\"question\": 405, \"description\": \"We need strict control of hand guns, particularly the highly dangerous “Saturday night specials” used by criminals. This legislation is necessary to stop the bleeding our cities have suffered under the Nixon administration.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284923, \"fields\": {\"question\": 405, \"description\": \"The Shafer Commission's report released just a few months ago is unequivocal. We must decriminalize marijuana possession. By improving our education system, we can still find ways of decreasing this drug's use, without crowding our prisons.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 6284924, \"fields\": {\"question\": 405, \"description\": \"Increasing funding to local law enforcement is just the first step. There is so much more needed to be done. I support appointing strict constructionists to the courts, overhauling the federal criminal code, and expanding our funding to more local police. I will work unceasingly to halt the erosion of moral fiber in American life.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 66274722, \"fields\": {\"question\": 401, \"description\": \"A new poll showed that Vietnam still remains the number one issue for voters. Let’s give a presidential style televised address, laying out our plan for a full withdrawal, in detail.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 66274723, \"fields\": {\"question\": 401, \"description\": \"Emphasize our economic policies more. I will put more money into the hands of American workers, and ensure everyone pays their fair share.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 66274724, \"fields\": {\"question\": 401, \"description\": \"I think the way the polls are looking recently will help in getting more of the party united behind my campaign. Let's convince people like Richard Daley, John Lindsay, and Marvin Mandel to rally round our ticket, and join the usual party leaders. The Democrats are as strong as ever!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3634, \"fields\": {\"question\": 441, \"description\": \"Are you kidding me? Let’s bring this up all the time. I flew dozens of combat missions in a B-24 bomber over Europe, and nearly died multiple times. I want to emphasize this frequently in ads, but in a biographical sort of way, not as any political response.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 5385693750, \"fields\": {\"question\": 441, \"description\": \"I’d rather not mention this. It can too easily come across as braggadocious, and some of our base would likely respond negatively to this sort of thing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3635, \"fields\": {\"question\": 442, \"description\": \"This is a tragic event. My thoughts are with the families of the victims at this time, and I pray for an end to the violence that has swept the world in recent years.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3636, \"fields\": {\"question\": 442, \"description\": \"This is a tragic event. My thoughts are with the families of the victims at this time, and the nation of Israel. I will always remain committed to their safety, and oppose the barbaric actions of these terrorists.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3643, \"fields\": {\"question\": 444, \"description\": \"Absolutely. I'll speak to Mr. Staley directly. I think he'll find that my policies support farmers far more than any of Butz’s or Nixon’s do.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3645, \"fields\": {\"question\": 444, \"description\": \"Absolutely. I'll speak to Mr. Staley directly. I think he'll find that my policies support farmers far more than any of Butz’s or Nixon’s do.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 8729452, \"fields\": {\"question\": 410, \"description\": \"Let's compare him to Hitler.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 87299193, \"fields\": {\"question\": 410, \"description\": \"I'll campaign on corruption in Washington as a whole, not just Nixon’s flaws.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 87111184, \"fields\": {\"question\": 410, \"description\": \"I’d rather we maintain our focus on just Nixon's corruption.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3646, \"fields\": {\"question\": 444, \"description\": \"I don't think the farm states are crucial to our chances this fall. Let's focus on the big industrial states in the Midwest.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9992747281, \"fields\": {\"question\": 400, \"description\": \"This is one of the areas where President Nixon and I actually agree. I think the Moon landing was an astonishing achievement for the human race, and I fully support future missions to the Lunar surface.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9992747282, \"fields\": {\"question\": 400, \"description\": \"While the landing 3 years ago was an incredible milestone for mankind, the missions after that have been wasteful, in my view. I’d redirect these funds to more productive uses, like feeding the hungry and housing the homeless.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9992747283, \"fields\": {\"question\": 400, \"description\": \"Our voyages to the stars have been a complete success, and I pledge to land a man on Mars by the end of this decade.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 9992747284, \"fields\": {\"question\": 400, \"description\": \"No comment. I’d rather defer to NASA on these issues.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3647, \"fields\": {\"question\": 445, \"description\": \"I don't think people will respond much if we press on this. Let's stick to our usual platform and plans to end the Vietnam War.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3648, \"fields\": {\"question\": 445, \"description\": \"Wallace is attacking him on this hard enough. We should stick with our current approach, while still bringing such revelations up in our speeches.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3649, \"fields\": {\"question\": 445, \"description\": \"Let's attack Nixon over this at every opportunity. If we get it in the news enough, this could really hurt his chances.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 7284929485, \"fields\": {\"question\": 399, \"description\": \"I fully support this bill. The state of our national health care system is a scandal, and Senator Kennedy's plan is just the right way to fix it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 7284929486, \"fields\": {\"question\": 399, \"description\": \"The health system in this country is certainly in need of serious reform, however I believe this should be accomplished by better allocation of the federal budget. Every bomb we drop on Vietnam costs as much as a new school or hospital would to construct. By providing further funding for our doctors, nurses, and clinics, we can solve this crisis.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 7284929487, \"fields\": {\"question\": 399, \"description\": \"The general thrust of Senator Kennedy's proposal is one that all Americans can get behind. But in its current form, I have reservations about this bill. The American Medical Association has come out in opposition to the proposal, yet I've heard from many doctors while campaigning that they whole-heartedly endorse a single-payer system. I just want what's best for our patients and their health care providers, which is why I pledge to create a presidential commission composed of the top medical professionals of the country, who will come to a conclusion.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3651, \"fields\": {\"question\": 446, \"description\": \"I will categorically deny this rumor, and for that manner, denounce the dirty tactics that brought this rumor to life in the first place. It's about time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3652, \"fields\": {\"question\": 446, \"description\": \"I will categorically deny this rumor, and for that manner, denounce the dirty tactics that brought this rumor to life in the first place. It's about time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3653, \"fields\": {\"question\": 446, \"description\": \"I will flatly deny the rumor. The American people will be able to see through these smears.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3654, \"fields\": {\"question\": 446, \"description\": \"While I wouldn't ever want to admit this happened, I don't know if people would believe me if I denied them publicly. Let's just refuse to give a comment on the matter and hope it fizzles out.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3655, \"fields\": {\"question\": 447, \"description\": \"Missouri is our true key to the White House. Let’s hold a big fundraiser in St. Louis to start the day, and speak about farm and labor issues, then head to the Mississippi River to speak with workers on the dockyards there. Then, let's head back to South Dakota for the big day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3656, \"fields\": {\"question\": 447, \"description\": \"The industrial Midwest is our only chance at victory. Let’s spend a lot of time with the UAW in Detroit, make a brief appearance in Madison, then head to Ohio and hold a huge rally in Cincinnati to finish the day.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3657, \"fields\": {\"question\": 447, \"description\": \"Spend the whole day on the West Coast. California is huge and we really have a shot at winning it. Throw a big rally this evening in LA, after spending most of the day in Oregon and Washington.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer\", \"pk\": 3658, \"fields\": {\"question\": 447, \"description\": \"New York City! We need to spend the entire day there, going into all five boroughs, with one final massive rally in the Bronx. That state is crucial, and I think we can win it.\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.states_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 232, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Alabama\", \"abbr\": \"AL\", \"electoral_votes\": 9, \"popular_votes\": 1054776, \"poll_closing_time\": 120, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 10}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 233, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Alaska\", \"abbr\": \"AK\", \"electoral_votes\": 3, \"popular_votes\": 99827, \"poll_closing_time\": 420, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 10}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 234, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Arizona\", \"abbr\": \"AZ\", \"electoral_votes\": 6, \"popular_votes\": 685127, \"poll_closing_time\": 180, \"winner_take_all_flg\": 1, \"election\": 10}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.state\", \"pk\": 235, \"fields\": {\"name\": \"Arkansas\", \"abbr\": \"AR\", \"electoral_votes\": 6, \"popular_votes\": 679006, \"poll_closing_time\": 150, 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\"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": -0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12485, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3609, \"state\": 264, \"candidate\": 92, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": -0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12486, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3609, \"state\": 271, \"candidate\": 92, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": -0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12487, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3609, \"state\": 273, \"candidate\": 92, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": -0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12488, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"state\": 244, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12489, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"state\": 263, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12490, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"state\": 236, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.004}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12491, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"state\": 254, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.003}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12492, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"state\": 253, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.003}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12655, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3622, \"state\": 269, \"candidate\": 92, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": 0.015}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 56787654, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3645, \"state\": 272, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.008}}, {\"model\": 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12759, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3646, \"state\": 263, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12760, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3646, \"state\": 269, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 92, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12761, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3636, \"state\": 263, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12762, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 236, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.05}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12763, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 238, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12764, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 270, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12765, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 263, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12766, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 272, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": -0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12767, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 281, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": -0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12768, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 254, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": -0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12768, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"state\": 246, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": -0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12769, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 238, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1204769, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 250, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1279469, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 276, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1284769, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 252, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 1273669, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 270, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12723469, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"state\": 260, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12770, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394893, \"state\": 246, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12771, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394893, \"state\": 266, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12772, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394894, \"state\": 254, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12773, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394894, \"state\": 281, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.02}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12774, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394894, \"state\": 253, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12775, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394895, \"state\": 263, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_score_state\", \"pk\": 12776, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394895, \"state\": 266, \"candidate\": 91, \"affected_candidate\": 91, \"state_multiplier\": 0.01}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1066, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3622, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Interesting strategy. However, your economic ideas aren’t actually that popular, unless you plan to change that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 93094873, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 929593, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your attacks have done damage to Nixon’s support among conservatives, but this has made many progressives and liberals wonder about what direction your administration will take now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 12438264, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 929594, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This answer helps finesse the issue with moderates and conservatives, while maintaining your progressive bona-fides. Many notice you dropped your $1,000 promise, for better or worse.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 2437263, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 929595, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This answer is popular with most of your base, but the media endlessly focuses on your proposal of a thousand dollars a year, as they did in the primaries.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 776537473, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 929596, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’ve managed to trash Lyndon Johnson’s programs while also alienating moderate Democrats. Congratulations.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1170, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3622, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not a typical Republican position, but it could help you with the urban wing of the party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 999, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3509, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good message that helps unite your party, and much of the public approves of it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1000, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3510, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Going negative on Nixon probably isn’t the best line of attack at this time, and it isn't one that works well with the public. Your speech ends up landing with a thud.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 253826472, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 72937123, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While much of the language used in your platform sounded like it was straight from the SDS charter, it is true that your actual proposed policies are in line with the Democratic Party’s mainstream.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 66327472, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 72937124, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some of these policies are popular, and Ralph Nader’s hearings on consumer protection have garnered a lot of attention, but labor just isn’t buying into your thinking.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 11119347273, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 398, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the most controversial part of your platform, and you’re throwing away votes by emphasizing it so strongly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 72937126, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 72937125, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the social policies you actually support are fairly popular within the party, you’re conflated with highly divisive ones like legalizing a wide array of narcotics.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 448204217, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9991732, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It’s too close to the election for any poll numbers to be conducted, but all signs indicate this has hurt Nixon badly on all fronts.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 448204218, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9991733, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It’s too close to the election for any poll numbers to be conducted, but all signs indicate this has hurt Nixon badly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1001, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3511, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your speech struck a good balance of optimism and honesty, and has been well-received by the public. In fact, it's being referred to as the Come Home, America speech after one line repeated throughout it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5284892, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284921, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"No matter what you say, Nixon will characterize you as somehow soft on crime. That “acid, amnesty, and abortion” label is going to stick for a long time. Still, this is a good step towards combatting that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5284892, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284922, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"The press races to point out that you've often voted against gun control policy in the Senate. The truth is that you only voted against those bills that restricted the use of long guns, not hand guns. But will anyone care about the difference?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5284892, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284923, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is exactly why Nixon always wanted to run against you. Trying to back up your position with Governor Shafer's report is a good idea, but there's no getting around the fact you're loudly calling to legalize weed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5284892, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284924, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Everyone is caught off guard by your newfound crusade to restore law and order. Even Governor Reagan is quoted in the papers next day strangely supporting your proposals.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 5738489, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 27482894, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This may be for the best, all things considered.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 28482943, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 27482895, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"No matter how hard you may try to moderate this, busing is an issue where there’s no middle-ground.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 21183874, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 27482896, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"If you didn’t want to win, you could’ve just said that earlier.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 211828462, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 27482897, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Coming out so strongly against this issue alienates some Democrats, but it isn’t completely out of character, as busing remains an unpopular policy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1003, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3513, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not what the party wants to hear from you.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1004, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3514, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Considering what's happened with the race so far and your increasing chances of actually winning this election, they do decide to follow through with this, albeit somewhat reluctantly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 7277577, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849366, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"These ads come across as awkward and stilted. For one, you seemed to use the same factory in every commercial. Did you only visit one?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 7277987654, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849367, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a nice sentiment, and the ad serves as a clever, yet indirect, response to Nixon's attacks. This will in all likelihood play well with the public.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 7277983332, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849368, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This helps in the liberal cities and northeast, but plays right into Nixon’s claims about liberal elitism and the “silent majority”.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 727798318, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 63849369, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"The ad campaign is a moderate success, and helps counter Nixon’s attacks.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1005, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3515, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Both your own supporters and party insiders are surprised at your readiness to drop some of your policies. But this could be what it takes to get those reluctant Democrats to help you out.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9828492304, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8729452, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"What were you thinking?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 92857384, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8728547327, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This helps with your core supporters, particularly ones who value your antiwar stances above all else, but many feel you’re too kind to the troublemakers at Nixon’s rallies.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 928448729, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8728547328, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Students for a Democratic Society is ecstatic, but this has caused a headache for your campaign, with even more moderates defecting.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 928441372, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8728547329, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Harsh words from George McGovern, of all people. But you have a point.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 928441372, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8728547330, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"What a strange mishmash of your rhetoric and Nixon’s. This hasn’t gone over well at all, and it feels like you can't make up your mind.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 6969, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 4200, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your motivations are noble, but this isn’t going to help with uniting the party, unless you’ve got an ace up your sleeve.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 662848254, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9992747281, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is hardly a serious issue in the election, but the space program is universally popular, so this can’t hurt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 662843444, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9992747282, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some share your sentiment, but it’s almost never a good idea to come out against a widely popular program like this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 6628194672, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9992747283, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your cheap attempt to replicate JFK’s soaring speeches is met with snickers and eyerolls.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 6628155636, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9992747284, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This doesn’t harm you, but endorsing the Moon landings seems like an easy way to score points with the voters nationwide.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 66283472, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 7284929485, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've energized Democrats by throwing your weight behind the bill, and coupled with Kennedy releasing a detailed report on the health care crisis earlier this Summer, you've got the popular pressure on Nixon to do something about it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 66283555, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 7284929486, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Kennedy, your most popular supporter, is let down by this response, since you're clearly not supporting his proposal, which is actually fairly popular among Democrats. Many of your core supporters respond kindly to the line about the inflated war budget though.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 66283427, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 7284929487, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Well at least you've got a real plan, even if Kennedy, your most popular supporter, is annoyed by your lack of support for the bill. Your citing of the AMA creates an uproar in the medical field however, as many doctors view you're politicizing the issue, while others note the AMA's opposition was itself highly controversial.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 66288722, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 7284929488, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Other Democrats have put in a few lines about Agnew to their stump speeches, it’s a bit odd for you not to do that too.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1006, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3516, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the initial press conference announcing this does stir the pot some, the revealing of the information in this X File stirs it much more so. Not only will this be the focus of the public, and Congress, for at least the next week, but a lot of people's trust in Nixon just collapsed.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1007, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3517, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the contents of the X File initially make for international news, that news quickly becomes accompanied by reports that your campaign was involved in leaking this information. Not good.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 77726391, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 66274722, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"That same poll also showed that the voters trust Nixon to withdraw more than they trust you, even with the news of the Chennault affair. Hopefully this address will change that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 77726391, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 66274723, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’re eschewing policy specifics for broad rhetoric, which may be the best choice, considering the unpopularity of your economic goals.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 77726391, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 66274724, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Based on the recent polling, that may actually be the case.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 11111123456, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 72957772, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is true, but the American people just want the war to be over.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 111111298765, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 72957773, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Even moderate Democrats recognize how cheap of a political ploy this announcement is, and it's harming you to not point that out.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 727383, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 9991734, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It’s too close to the election for any poll numbers to be conducted, but all signs indicate this has hurt Nixon badly.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1008, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3518, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the information in the X File is eventually corroborated, considering you put that information out yourself, Nixon is able to easily deflect on it for at least a week or two.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1009, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3519, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Ford performed well, except for an unfortunate gaffe about the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, as the election gets closer, the economy is improving and voters are giving things a closer look...\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1010, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3520, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Was that last bit really necessary? There's no need to take away attention from such a crucial development as this, especially in this manner.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1011, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3521, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the standard response for political candidates when it comes to the Court, and it seems their decision to hear this case has really angered Nixon. This is a good turn of events.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1012, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3522, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"If you're seeing this message and want to drop Eagleton, you haven't entered in the correct code. Start over and once you reach this question, enter the Shriver code before answering.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 99111947274, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 73782564, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Even your most diehard supporters wish you distanced yourself from Eagleton a little. These revelations have taken a toll on your campaign. On the upside, Missourians seem pleased with your support.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1013, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3523, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"These are inspiring words, and the event depicted in the horrifying photo is indefensible.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 99991116489, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284838, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While the Equal Rights Amendment is broadly popular, the feminist figures you campaign with also have controversial stances on abortion, contraception, and other issues.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 9999111182, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284839, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"The Equal Rights Amendment is broadly popular, and your stance is cheered on by nearly everyone in the party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 99962935190, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284840, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"As it turns out, there is a generational divide between older and younger feminists on these issues, and your statements have done much to appeal to older women while placating the young feminist movement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 99962939136, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 6284841, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"After your recent statements, people are wondering if you’ve taken some of that “acid” yourself.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1014, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3524, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While some of your Vietnam policies are highly controversial, most Americans agree that this instance shown in the photo is terrible. Why not go all in? Why neuter your stance so much?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1015, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3525, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is so magnanimous even some of your own staff can't help but roll their eyes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1015, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 345678, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"There you go again: squandering another unpopular position by the Nixon administration where you may gain approval, and instead continuing your divisive rhetoric.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1016, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3526, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Just stop with this approach. You're not George Wallace.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1017, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3527, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Considering the record you two have, this is probably the best move.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 8390922, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 2345692, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This still hurts Nixon, but you could have still said something about it as well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1018, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3528, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon refuses. It gets nary a peep in the press, but considering what they're reporting on the front pages these days, it's no big deal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1019, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3529, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your demand gets widespread coverage, and Nixon’s refusal even moreso. This will harm the President’s standing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1020, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3530, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Nixon refuses to debate you, and makes you look like a minor third-rate candidate as a result. This whole bid has backfired.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1021, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3531, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Emphasizing his party credentials is a good move, and you're going to need his help to get major Democrats solidly on your side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 49283453, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 33337395, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Good move. You'll probably win young voters overwhelmingly anyway.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 49283729, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 33337396, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some of your own staff think you're crazy for this, considering the data your campaign has produced on this subject.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 49284492, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 33337397, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your math is questionable.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1022, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3532, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Michigan seems to be favoring Nixon right now, but maybe you’ll change that?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1032, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3584, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"An attacking campaign is obviously what every challenger to an incumbent must do, but this isn't very wise. You need to get moving and you need to do it now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1033, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3585, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"As you unite various union organizations behind you, union voters take notice. And so does George Meany, who has in all likelihood descended into pure rage.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1034, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3586, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good use of the usual quiet period between each major party’s conventions.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1035, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3587, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Television ads are always a decent idea, but the effect of these are marginal.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1036, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3588, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Come home, America!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 60000, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3589, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is virtually identical to President Nixon’s rhetoric.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 85853, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3590, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It’s a little surprising that you’ve gone even more dovish after the primaries. This is a bad strategy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1037, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3591, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Frank Mankiewicz is currently talking Gary Hart off the ledge, your personal physician has scheduled an immediate drug test, and Ted Kennedy is speechless.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1038, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3592, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your work has paid off. The AFL-CIO has officially endorsed your campaign, although the press corps couldn't help but notice their tepid enthusiasm.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 729325, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394892, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good strategy, and it's highly important to lock up states like Connecticut and even Maine if you're to win.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 729326, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394893, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Regional issues always play well, and these two states have some of the most farms in the country.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 729327, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394894, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"These are important states for any Democrat, especially in an electoral environment as unpredictable as this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 729328, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 57394895, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a big hit in the arena, and Hollywood liberals seem to love it, providing an inadvertent boost in California. But this doesn’t make a big splash nationwide.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1039, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3595, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Meany endorsing Nixon would be an outright disaster, so you're not wrong in that regard, but tossing away the executive committee’s importance sends the wrong message. However, you're right in that your running mate could make up for some of that.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1040, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3596, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Even Nixon’s own UN ambassador, a World War II fighter pilot named George Bush, has been mum on this issue. It seems the President’s stance is unpopular, but it's hard to gauge how this will affect the polls.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1041, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3597, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Trying to turn this specific issue into a referendum on the war hasn't worked out. Bombing the dikes is unpopular, but fewer Americans seem to care much about Vietnam, although it remains a relevant topic.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1042, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3598, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Harsh words for a man whose approval ratings are above 60%, and another who will probably win the Nobel Peace Prize.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1043, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3599, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Jane Fonda is a polarizing figure, and a photo of her wearing a helmet on a Viet Cong anti-aircraft gun during her visit made it into major newspapers last week.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1044, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3600, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your motives are admirable, and Eleanor is privately relieved, but this doesn't move the needle in any significant way.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1045, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3601, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a bit old-fashioned, and many feminists feel this is a step back, but Eleanor helps get some suburban voters and older women on your side.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1046, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3602, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This had the potential to backfire badly, but with a few televised addresses set in your own home, Eleanor has knocked this issue out of the park.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 99111947274, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 360003, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You're going to have a very hefty couple's therapy bill once this whole ordeal is through.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1047, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3603, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This issue divides your party, and you've cast your lot very clearly. Let's see what happens.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1048, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3604, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is highly ambitious, and for victory to truly be possible, be prepared to do anything. Nixon’s lead remains difficult to overcome.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1050, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3606, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Trying to make a simple ideological point about a conflict that will probably end sometime soon isn’t a good choice.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 50000, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 4201, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Interesting move. It's worth noting that Wallace performed worse in the North than anticipated, and isn't currently polling high there anyways, so the vote you're counting on may not be there to begin with.\"}},{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1051, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3607, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is probably the best course.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1052, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3608, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"After meeting with him on his ranch, Johnson has agreed to endorse you, but due to his ailing health, there will be no campaigning on his end this Fall. Still, it's always good to have some party unity, right?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1053, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3609, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is counterintuitive, and makes you sound like a third-rate candidate more than anything.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1054, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"At this rate, there aren't going to be any big liberal states left.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1059, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3615, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This answer deflects the attack, but blaming it on Nixon without proof only further hurts your credibility with the voters. Feminists and Progressives are also having doubts about you now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1060, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3616, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Great way to let yet another Republican attack stick. Your silence on this topic has made nearly everyone upset, and Nixon is making hay with this issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1061, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3617, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Are you trying to lose DC as well?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1062, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3618, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Moderate and Conservative Democrats are responding to your statement, even if progressives are less than thrilled.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1063, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3619, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Are you suggesting that your victory would result in a communist takeover of South Vietnam? Even some of your own detractors are taken aback by this remark. Perhaps this is more of your candor…\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1064, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3620, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a cautious response, which isn’t a bad thing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1065, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3621, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Perhaps your appeal to moderates with this answer will go over well, but you’re alienating some of your core supporters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1067, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3623, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This actually goes over quite well, surprisingly. Business leaders are still almost unanimously in Nixon’s camp, but they don’t view you as the enemy they did in the primaries anymore.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1068, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3624, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is only marginally effective with that demographic, and does little for you nationally.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1069, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3625, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've definitely come down with the hawkish wing of the party on this issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1073, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3629, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Ouch. These attacks sting Nixon a little, on top of all the previous revelations, and if you press your case correctly, they may even hurt him.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1074, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3630, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"A clever quip turns into muddled conspiracy theories about Nixon sabotaging your candidacy, and you fail to convince the American people of Nixon’s criminality.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 928483, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 87299193, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"There's certainly a lot to get outraged over in Washington at the moment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1075, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3631, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Yes, they are. That doesn't change the fact that this could be a very major opportunity you're missing.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1076, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3632, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It was always a bit of a gamble with your left-wing base, but your ads are very well-received, and many Americans respond to your wartime stories.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1077, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3633, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This anti-war stance like this just isn’t clicking. Many agree with your criticisms, but you’re not exactly softening your rhetoric, which is part of why people are turning away from the Democrats this fall.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1077, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3633, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"The media covers this a little, but for the most part, it doesn't change many Americans’ minds.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1078, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3634, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This has really paid off. You shirked your humble South Dakotan image for a bit of flamboyance, but that’s necessary in a political campaign. These vivid ads resonate strongly with the voters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1078, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 5385693750, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Many feel you’re leaving a major opportunity on the table here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1079, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3635, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the standard response to a horrible occurrence like this.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1080, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3636, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a tad cynical, sure, but using this opportunity to try and redirect the narrative around your stance on Israel is a smart move.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1081, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3638, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not a good way to win support from the Democrats in 1976.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1086, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3643, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"After your meeting, Staley still hasn't agreed to an outright endorsement, but he made a few comments to the press about how you seem like an honest man, which doesn't get you far in Washington.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1087, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3644, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Staley rejected your offer to meet him, but some inside sources say that he will never endorse Nixon. It could always be worse?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 398203, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 87111184, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"No harm, no foul.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1088, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3645, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Surprisingly, Staley was very impressed with you. He stated outright that he won't publicly endorse you, but also agreed to make comments to the press about how Butz’s policies negatively affect the farmbelt.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1089, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3646, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"One day you're going to run out of bullets to shoot yourself in the foot with.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1090, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3647, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your advisors feel like you're leaving something major on the table here.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1091, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3648, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"This approach makes for a good balance.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1092, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3649, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You don't need to go as hard as George Wallace in order to address this. Jumping the gun like you have here has made you look more silly than anything.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 82948374, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 8314784, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Interesting move. Many of your staffers are convinced you and Wallace would have walloped Nixon in a debate, and are angry at your decision to turn it down, but your TV ads actually go over surprisingly well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1093, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3650, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Maybe you've got good instincts too. This trip has gotten you a lot of good publicity, and calmed some fears over your foreign policy being perceived as too dovish.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1094, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3651, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"For once, you raise your voice, and it seems to have worked splendidly. In invoking the tricks of CREEP and others, you've not only shut down the Fort Wayne story, but vindicated yourself in the eyes of the American people as a good man.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 82593284, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3652, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"For once, you raise your voice, and it seems to have brutally failed. Your screams register more as whimpers than anything, and this just leads to the Fort Wayne story becoming national headlines, to your detriment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 825936124, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3653, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"While many Americans are likely to believe you, acknowledging the rumors in this way just allows the Nixon camp to start fanning the flames.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1095, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3654, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Are you seriously just going to let them attack you like this? You could've at least denied it happened.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1096, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3655, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"You’re met with a great reception at the fundraiser, roaring crowds at the dockyards, and a ceremonial atmosphere in Sioux Falls. Now it’s time to bring America home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1097, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3656, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your reception with the UAW is enormous. This election has been rough, but it’s hard for even the most hardened cynics on your campaign not to crack a smile today. Now it’s time to bring America home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1098, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3657, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Cesar Chavez’s rallying cries at your final event bring the crowd to its feet, and you were met with overjoyous supporters in Portland. Now it’s time to bring America home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1099, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3658, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your last rally is enormous, and the reception is fantastic throughout the entire day. Who knows if it’ll be enough to push you over the top, but it’s time to bring America home.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1135, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3584, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a strong answer, but it certainly helps you with the Jewish vote in New York and elsewhere.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1136, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3585, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good enough answer, but some Jewish voters were hoping for more.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1137, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3586, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your position on this controversy has become news itself. People are wondering if you're opposed to Israel or the Jewish people, and it is not helping you on the trial.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1138, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3587, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your position on this controversy has become news itself. People are wondering if you're opposed to Israel or the Jewish people, and it is not helping you on the trial.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1139, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3588, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not the kind of answer that Republicans want to hear.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1140, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3589, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some accuse you of flip-flopping after you decided to bail out New York. It's good to emphasize that they passed reforms first.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1141, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3591, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This would be a good answer, but unfortunately you signed off on the New York bailout. It will take some tortuous logic to explain how this position is consistent with that act.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1142, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3592, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not a popular answer with Republicans.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1143, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3593, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your bargain has failed. The AFL-CIO endorsed Nixon. Worse yet, details of your meeting have leaked to the press, and your willingness to throw away key planks of your platform have deflated the base.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 34567654, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3594, \"candidate\": 91, \"answer_feedback\": \"Well, this didn't quite work out. The AFL-CIO chose to endorse nobody, but the message is clear. You'll need to mend union relations on the local level while you campaign this fall.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1144, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3595, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the party line, but it's also a controversial issue with much disagreement.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1145, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3596, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is the mainstream answer shared by all major politicians (unless you count a guy like Reagan).\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1146, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3597, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good compromise position if you don't want to support the Amendment.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1147, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3598, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good answer to fire up the base. But women voters, including your own wife, are upset with you. Enjoy sleeping on the White House couch for a few days.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1148, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3599, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've managed to offend everyone with this answer. Sounding conservative and praising labor unions at the same time?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1149, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3600, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Busing is not a popular policy, and there's not that much to lose by coming out against it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1150, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3601, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Busing is not a popular policy, and there's not that much to lose by coming out against it.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1151, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3603, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Busing is a pretty unpopular policy, and even more so in your party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1152, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3604, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a standard, Republican position.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1153, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3605, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"In this day and age, this might be the best stance. Voters like the fact that we're not at war right now.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1154, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3606, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You're really thinking outside the box for a Republican. But there will be a backlash.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1155, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3607, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"There has been a lot of debate in your party on this issue, but allowing each state to make their own decision is a good compromise, right?\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1156, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3608, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's hard to know what to do with this question. It might well be best to give a non-committal answer and hope the issue goes away after this election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1157, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3609, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's hard to know what to do with this question. It might well be best to give a non-committal answer and hope the issue goes away after this election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1158, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3610, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've come out more strongly in favor of abortion than Carter, or even McGovern did. You're definitely making headlines today.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1163, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3615, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Voters don't care much what you do, as long as there are no more gas shortages and long lines at the pump.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1164, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3616, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Voters don't care much what you do, as long as there are no more gas shortages and long lines at the pump.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1165, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3617, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Voters don't care much what you do, as long as there are no more gas shortages and long lines at the pump.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1166, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3618, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Voters don't care much what you do, as long as there are no more gas shortages and long lines at the pump.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1167, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3619, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This an orthodox Republican answer. If only your party could get the South to see the light...\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1168, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3620, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a pretty safe answer that appeals to your party without alienating moderates.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1169, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3621, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is not a typical Republican position, but it could help you with the urban wing of the party.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1171, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3623, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some defense hawks are upset at the idea of conceding the Panama Canal, but others think this will help build positive sentiment for the United States.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1172, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3624, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Some defense hawks are upset at the idea of conceding the Panama Canal, but others think this will help build positive sentiment for the United States.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1173, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3625, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good, conservative answer on foreign policy.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1177, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3629, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've definitely come down with the dovish wing of the party on this issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1178, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3630, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Even Republicans are looking for ways to defuse Cold War tensions these days. This is in line with your actions as President thus far.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1179, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3631, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've definitely come down with the hawkish wing of the party on this issue.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1180, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3632, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This answer is a bit apathetic, and you've missed a good chance to win support from the farm states.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1181, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3633, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"A lot of farm states are happy to have another market for their grain, and this is a good foreign policy win as well.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1182, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3634, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This might make you look more conservative, but it's not the popular answer for this election.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1183, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3635, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This isn't that popular of an idea. Even Democrats are divided on it...\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1184, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3636, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Hmmm... Republicans are wondering what you mean by this...\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1185, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3638, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Give 'em hell, Jerry!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1190, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3643, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"You've certainly just changed your position on this issue. And not in a way that pleases the Republican voters.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1191, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3644, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good chance to present yourself as the voice of common-sense and honesty.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1192, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3645, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"A lot of Republicans would prefer you veto this law, but on the other hand you do appear reasonable and conciliatory with this response.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1193, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3646, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"People are whispering that you sound more like Ronald Reagan than Gerald Ford.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1194, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3647, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your party had a hard time getting on board for Medicare and Medicaid. Perhaps it's not a good idea to support universal health care at this time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1195, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3648, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Your party had a hard time getting on board for Medicare and Medicaid. Perhaps it's not a good idea to support universal health care at this time.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1196, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3649, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Good hedge. You can't possibly support this idea, but you can oppose it without sounding like a scrooge.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1197, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3650, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"This is a good answer to fire up the base.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1198, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3651, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"It's a brave stance you're taking in this day and age. Let's see how it goes.\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1199, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3655, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Settle in and wait for the returns. Hopefully you can pull off a comeback for the ages!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1200, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3656, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Settle in and wait for the returns. Hopefully you can pull off a comeback for the ages!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1201, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3657, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Settle in and wait for the returns. Hopefully you can pull off a comeback for the ages!\"}}, {\"model\": \"campaign_trail.answer_feedback\", \"pk\": 1202, \"fields\": {\"answer\": 3658, \"candidate\": 92, \"answer_feedback\": \"Settle in and wait for the returns. Hopefully you can pull off a comeback for the ages!\"}}]"); campaignTrail_temp.candidate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_image_url = ''; campaignTrail_temp.candidate_last_name = 'McGovern'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_last_name = 'Hart'; campaignTrail_temp.running_mate_state_id = '253'; campaignTrail_temp.player_answers = []; campaignTrail_temp.player_visits = []; campaignTrail_temp.answer_feedback_flg = 1; campaignTrail_temp.game_start_logging_id = '3960455'; campaignTrail_temp.global_parameter_json = JSON.parse("[{\"model\": \"campaign_trail.global_parameter\", \"pk\": 1, \"fields\": {\"vote_variable\": 1.125, \"max_swing\": 0.12, \"start_point\": 0.94, \"candidate_issue_weight\": 10.0, \"running_mate_issue_weight\": 3.0, \"issue_stance_1_max\": -0.71, \"issue_stance_2_max\": -0.3, \"issue_stance_3_max\": -0.125, \"issue_stance_4_max\": 0.125, \"issue_stance_5_max\": 0.3, \"issue_stance_6_max\": 0.71, \"global_variance\": 0.01, \"state_variance\": 0.005, \"question_count\": 40, \"default_map_color_hex\": \"#C9C9C9\", \"no_state_map_color_hex\": \"#999999\"}}]");